Pediatric physical therapy using the principles of neuroplasticity and the best scientific based approaches combined with 25 years of hands on pediatric experience.

Inspiring our children and families beyond perceived possibilities.

Nothing is impossible, the word itself says, ‘I’m possible.’

-Audrey Hepburn

Our Services

  • Evaluation/Consultation

    Comprehensive evaluation/consultations are completed for all ages from preemies to teenagers using standardized assessments based on needs that may include neurological assessments, early diagnostic screening, motor delays, and referrals/collaboration with specialists as needed. Click below for more information.

  • Therapy

    Treatment is provided as needed based on assessment findings and plan created by therapists and family. This could include monthly, weekly, 2x/wk or up to 3x/wk sessions. Click below for more information.

  • Intensives

    One week intensives are available for current patients or other patients who would like increased therapy with a different approach/prospective. This includes 1 hour therapy sessions daily for 5 consecutive days. Intensive weeks are offered several times throughout the year. Click below for more information.

Contact Marcella

Feel free to contact me with any questions.



